Thursday, 23 June 2011

Towards up scaling collaborative course design strategy

The study reported in this article investigated the feasibility of up scaling collaborative course design in design teams as a strategy for large scale implementation of e-learning at the Open University of Tanzania (OUT). A single-embedded case design was used and both qualitative and quantitative data were collected from management and instructors. Results showed that there are opportunities within OUT that are conducive for large scale implementation of collaborative course design as a main strategy for professional development of instructors on e-learning course design and delivery. The opportunities relate to the commitment of the management, institutional conditions and support structures. However, efforts are needed in addressing challenges of limited access to technologies, narrow bandwidth and unreliable electricity so as to make e-learning course design and delivery effective, affordable and sustainable. In addition, there is need for better alignment between plans for action for large scale e-learning implementation at university and faculty / institute level. (Submitted to the International Journal of Educational Development).

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